
Having a healthy and fit heart is everything.

Regular exercise not only burns calories and builds muscles; but also guarantees healthy and fit heart .

Cristina Tesare

Like other muscles, the heart becomes healthier with regular physical activity. As your cardiovascular fitness improves, the heart muscle no longer has to work as hard to pump blood through our bodies. That is why having a healthy and fit heart is everything to leading a healthy lifestyle.

A physically active lifestyle is associated with a reduction in the frequency and mortality of cardiovascular diseases.

What are the best exercises for the heart?

Aerobic exercises improve your cardiovascular status immediately; of course, you must consider the rest intervals to obtain effective results. When you exercise regularly, the suffering risk from heart disease or heart attack decreases because you find yourself draining physical or emotionally stressful situations.

Rest training challenges your heart to hit maximum heart rate for short periods

A healthy and fit heart is the key to a profitable lifestyle

The maximum heart rate is the highest limit that the cardiovascular system can handle during physical activity; this frequency allows you to define a daily exercise rhythm that adapts to your routine. If you have a chronic illness, haven’t been physically active regularly, check with your doctor before rest training. 

Now, people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases must structure exercise routines that stimulate the heart to pump better and strengthen other muscles, so we leave you some recommendations that you can apply to have a healthy and fit heart:

 Human Vítae recommendations:

  1. Practice physical exercise every day: by requiring our body to improve the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system, we begin to lose weight, control arterial hypertension, avoid the appearance of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, among others.
  2. The essential exercise for the heart is the aerobic type: running, walking, swimming, or cycling. The recommendation is to practice at least three times a week for about 30 minutes to strengthen said organ.
  3. Follow a balanced diet rich in organic and green foods. It helps you reduce three of the main factors involved in heart disease: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and excess weight. 
  4. Keep your weight balanced. Obesity aggravates heart problems due to overexertion to the heart. It also develops other diseases such as pulmonary and osteoarticular.
  5. Do regular medical check-ups. It is especially vital in people with risk factors such as a family history of heart disease, hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and smoking.

Having a healthy and fit heart is everything, as the blood pumped by the heart supplies oxygen and nutrients to each cell and picks up the carbon dioxide and waste substances produced by them. When blood flow to the heart slows or stops, it could be life-threatening.

Take care of yourself and yours!

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