
Walk or jog? The importance of doing cardiovascular exercises

Defining whether running is better than walking or oppositely; depends on what aspect of health you want to take care of and the physical condition of each person and the cardiovascular exercises that it deserves.

Cristina Tesare

When talking about walking or jogging as physical activity, many benefits deliver to the body. Considering both practices are equally healthy because they do not depend on the intensity of the exercise but the calories burned during it. 

A 30-minute daily walk or cardiovascular exercises reduces the risk of heart disease by 2%, in addition to balancing cholesterol and blood pressure in our body. Also, this routine prevents the development of diseases such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

Walking (cardiovascular exercises) stimulates circulation, tones the muscles, and helps us relax and put ourselves in a good mood; its benefits are physical and mental.

The informational portal Runner’s World highlights that people who do:

a. moderate exercise (about 30 minutes a day of walking, dancing, or working in the garden)

b. vigorous exercise (20 minutes or more of running, fast cycling, aerobic exercise)

Have an 11 % less likely to develop heart problems or have a stroke. 

It doesn’t matter which of the two physical activities you do; both of them strengthen your heart

When you walk 25 minutes, you reduce the risk of death;  in older adults, the risk is reduced by 22%. However, with each step you take, you are contributing to slightly increase the size of the cavities of your heart. In addition to increasing the amount of blood that can pump in every beat.

On the other hand, a research article published by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2020) indicates that among overweight or obese people and people at risk of cardiovascular disease in the United States:

1. 37% of people at high risk of cardiovascular disease;  do not receive exercise advice, and 

2. 43% do not receive dietary advice.

It is relevant to include in your daily routine exercise as simple as walking around your neighborhood or going to the gym and jogging for half an hour. By adding a balanced diet rich in minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Your body will, in the short term will thank you by giving you better physical performance, better mood, and greater intellectual productivity.

Doing cardiovascular exercise ensures that your body can regulate its glucose levels using insulin, which keeps factors such as waist circumference and blood pressure in check.