
Manage stress, depression and anxiety with Ashwagandha

The Ashwagandha known as Withania is a natural plant that offers multiple benefits for psychological, metabolic and physiological diseases.

Cristina Tesare

The ashwagandha plant is a natural shrub that has been used in recent years as a medicinal alternative. In this way since it works as an “adaptogen” (a substance that could improve the body’s resistance to certain situations of physical and emotional stress) and reduces inflammation, blood pressure and strengthens your immune system.

Therefore the properties of this plant have a sedative effect that can cause drowsiness, lowers blood pressure. And in turn, combats stress, insomnia, anxiety and depression. Also improves mental concentration and prevents premature aging due to its antioxidant effect.

Ashwagandha can be consumed both in capsules (as in our Super Calm supplement), as powder or infusions; the maximum recommended dose is 3 grams (0.11 Oz). And as long as it is not exceeded in the time of 2 months.

Reduce stress, depression and anxiety with our Super Calm with Ashwagandha

Moreover studies of the collaborative database of evidence in health Epistemonikos, indicate that the ashwagandha herb works as an alternative treatment for anxiety, Because the different doses of withania extract can control different levels of anxiety, stress and depression, due to its anti-stress properties and anxiolytic activity.

As a result other benefits are to combat nervous fatigue, weakness and anemic states due to lack of iron in the body, increases hemoglobin and reduces the level of sugar, cortisol, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. The ashwagandha root helps to improve the well-being of the body. Also thus improving the quality of sleep and mental alertness from a mild to moderate level.

The intake of the plant reduces certain symptoms of anxiety or anxious mood, as it improves brain function and physical performance in athletes (providing more energy to the body). It also reduces the feeling of tiredness and fatigue in the body, which helps people sleep better.

Under medical advice and monitoring, ashwagandha can:

  • Reduce the symptoms of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
  • Increase sexual desire.
  • Lower cholesterol levels in patients with high cholesterol.
  • Reduce the symptoms of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).
  • Improves heart health.
  • Increase muscle mass and have more energy.